Contact Us

If you have any questions or inquiries and would like expert answers from our staff, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We have a customer service that is second to none, and we are always on hand to answer your every need. You can also fill our customer contact form if you have any inputs or concerns about our services and activities, you will be contacted as soon possible, and your issues will be resolved speedily.

Work with Us

Rosebank Short Breaks aims to recruit experienced and suitably qualified Adventure Outdoor Mentors in order to provide the highest standard of care and support possible. If you wish to become a part of our committed and enthusiastic team, please click below: 


For Referrals: Please kindly note that before admission, every child referred to Rosebank for short breaks or Project Kemp- 28 Days Emergency Crisis Support Placement or Community Live-In, will be assessed through our Initial Baseline Risk Assessment Matrix, and detailed information about the child will be requested.


11Catherine Street| Alfreton| Derbyshire| DE55 7JU

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