Why choose us


We have vast experience in short Breaks, and we provide child centred care for young people aged between 12 and 16 years old. Rosebank Short Breaks offer overnight stays equating to a minimum of a 3-days stay; and we also cater for young people who are at risk of broken-down placement.

Children and Young People accessing Rosebank Short Break Services will be accommodated under section 17(6) of the 1989 Children’s Act or section 20(4) of the 1989 Act. Our series of short breaks meets the individual needs and circumstances presented at the initial time of need. Our planned and Emergency Crisis Support services help build resilience and stabilise families so that children and young people can remain at home when it is in their best interests.


We passionately believe in the power of nature as part of the healing process. Consequently, some of our programmes are run in nature. We actively promote recycling initiatives and encourage our staff, clients, and their families to consider the environment in all that they do.